How to

How to get Wonderware Historian data into my mobile phone?

BackStaff is complementary for different types of plant software.  An instrumental one is the Historian application, and among these, Wonderware Historian is a trendy one.  BackStaff can integrate with Wonderware Historian to: Create indicators or events Show time trends Launch reports This information can be used to generate notifications, create scorecards, launch reports, and see historical trends from the BackStaff…

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How to

How to get Ignition Tag Historian data into my mobile phone

BackStaff works as a complement for different types of plant software.  A handy one is the Historian application and among these Ignition Tag Historian is a prevalent one.  BackStaff can integrate with Ignition Tag Historian to Create indicators or event Show time trends BackStaff Configuration for communication with Ignition Historian The first step consists of creating a database connection, similar to…

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BackStaff as a Mobile Historian Client

BackStaff applications are capable of connecting to Historian software as a Historian Client. A Historian is a stand-alone software or a module within a SCADA software that is capable of storing time series of values for thousands of variables, or tags as they are also known. Historians store information in a relational database like MS SQL, Oracle, or MySQL.  However,…

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